Experienced immigration lawyers apply for visas
on behalf of the clients at low prices.

Service Fee

*1Application for Certificate of Eligibility

*2Actual expenses such as revenue stamp fees and mailing costs will be charged.

*3Consumption tax will be added to the fee.

Additional fees for family members applying together
for family members applying together

Our yearly achievements

6 features of our service


Easy procedure using a smartphone

Our service uses a unique hearing tool, so the client can do all the procedures from their home with a smartphone / PC.


No need to go to immigration and the law firm

All procedures can be done online or by mail, so the client does not have to come to our office. The client does not have to go to the Immigration Bureau because the immigration lawyer goes to the Immigration Bureau on behalf of the client.


Documentation by a legal expert

Experienced legal professionals will prepare documents for each client. Our immigration lawyers are real professionals who have been certified by the Immigration Bureau.


Quality service at a low price

We have experienced lawyers who have resolved difficult visa application cases and a highly qualified assistant staff. They are able to provide the same high quality of service with this lower price plan.


Available in languages other than Japanese

We have assistant staff who speak not only Japanese, but also English, Tagalog, and Chinese. Lawyers also speak fluent English.


Lawyer responds to contact from immigration

When a legal office like ours applies on behalf of a client, communications from the Immigration Bureau come to our office, not to the applicant himself. *The fee for our Low-priced plan does not include instructions for additional submissions from the immigration office. If you would like to request additional submissions from the Immigration Bureau, please refer to our VISA Documentation Service.

Procedure flow

Step 1

The client prepares the documents listed in the "List of Documents" that we give to the client after signing the contract. The client then sends all documents to us using the return envelope we send them.

The client enters the information necessary for the application into the hearing tool.

Step 2

Immigration lawyer prepares the client's “application form” and mails it to the client's address.

Step 3

The client signs the application form and sends us the important documents required for the application, such as application form the original passport and residence card, by mail.

Step 4

Our Immigration Lawyer will apply for your application at the Immigration Bureau.

When we receive the client's new residence card, we will send it to the client's address along with the documents received from the client.

1 Inquiry

Please contact our company by phone. Our assistant staff will listen to your situation and also explain our services.

2 Contract

After reviewing the details of our services, please fill out the "Agreement Form" sent to you by our staff.

3 Payment of fees

Please transfer the amount of fees and expenses to the bank account specified by us. We will start working for you after the remittance is confirmed.

4 Advice on required documents

Our lawyers will list and advise you on the documents required for your application. Please prepare the listed documents from city hall, tax office, etc.

5 Sending the necessary documents

Our staff will send a return envelope to your home in advance. Please mail all documents you have prepared to us using that return envelope.

6 Fill in the hearing sheet

Our staff will send you a "hearing tool" in advance, so please fill out your information.

7 Preparation and sending of application form

We will create an application form based on the documents you have prepared and the information you have entered into the "Hearing Tool." The completed application form will be mailed to your home.

8 Sign and return the application form

When you receive your completed application form, please review it carefully to ensure that there are no errors. Then, if there are no errors, please sign the application form.

9 Application / mail a new residence card

Our immigration lawyer will apply to the Immigration Bureau. When the client's renewal is approved, the client's new residence card will be received on behalf of the client and will be mailed to the client.

Service Overview

Low-priced seevice does not include additional submissions and what to do if your application is rejected. Additional fees may be charged if we provide these services.

How can we not only solve difficult cases but
also offer Low-priced plan?

We have streamlined our work and reduced costs.
We were able to reduce the number of processes by using our own tools.
We were able to reduce costs because we are large and have a lot of experience and a large number of staff.
Limited procedures covered by the service.

Through the above, we are able to provide support
at reasonable fees for visa application cases without
any problems while maintaining the quality.

Note:Conditions for applying to our Low-priced plan

Our Low-Priced Plan is a service
that allows clients without serious problems to request a visa application from an expert at a reasonable fee.
The following are the conditions for clients who
may apply for our services.

Clients must prepare the documents themselves by referring to the list of required documents provided by us in advance.
Cases where there are no problems that would cause the application to be rejected (see the diagram below for details).
There is sufficient time (more than 3 weeks) before the period of stay.
Cases where there is no need to submit a statement of reasons and explain the circumstances.

The following clients/cases do not fit into our Low-priced plan:

Examples of cases/clients who are not eligible to apply for our services.

Tax payments are delayed or unpaid.
(Visa renewal) Job content has changed. *It is OK to change jobs with the same job content.
The client has a criminal record or a history of legal violations.
(Spouse visa) Clients who do not live with their spouse or marriage is not stable.
Clients who cannot accept our rules and instructions.
Cases where the application may be rejected unless a statement of reasons is prepared and the circumstances are explained carefully.
The Clients who cannot obtain the necessary documents themselves without repeatedly asking questions about where and how to obtain them. *We provide all clients with a list of required documents in advance, including where they can obtain them.
In addition to the above cases, we found problems with the application and preparation work.

If you have any of the above issues,
you can use our regular services.
First, please use our free telephone
consultation service to check your situation.


About consultation


Phone and face-to-face consultations are free. If you simply consult us multiple times without requesting us, you will be charged a consultation fee.


Even if you do not contract with us after the consultation, you will not be charged any fees.


Of course, clients can consult with our lawyers face-to-face if they come to our headquarters in Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture.

*Advance appointments are required for face-to-face consultations.


We immigration lawyer have strict legal regulations regarding duty of confidentiality. The contents we hear from the client will not be leaked to the client's family or friends as well as the immigration without the client's consent. Please feel free to contact us.

About procedure flow


The client does not have to go to immigration. Our immigration lawyer will go to the Immigration Bureau on behalf of the client to apply for and receive the client's new residence card.


Solving your problem is not included in the fee for our Low-priced visa application service. However, our experienced lawyers can resolve your issue for an additional fee.


Our staff can communicate with clients in Japanese, English, Tagalog, and Chinese.

About our fees and handling of important documents


We use secure mail with tracking number when sending important items. When applying for a visa online, even the Immigration Bureau sends the residence card by mail, so Japan's postal services are reliable.


If a client comes to our office in Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture, they can hand over documents etc. to us.


No additional fees will be charged, except for expenses such as revenue stamps and postage costs. However, this service does not include additional submission instructions from the Immigration Bureau or resolution of problems that arise, so additional fees may be incurred if the client requests these.

About result of application


If a client's application is denied because of our fault, we will refund the fee in full, but this has never happened in thousands of applications to date. If the application is refused for reasons of the applicant, we can work to resolve the issue for the client to pay an additional fee.


We are one of the top 10 visa application specialist legal offices in Japan, having accepted thousands of visa application requests. When it comes to immigration law, we are never unable to answer our clients' questions.

Client’s review

About us

Company Name              行政書士法人JAPAN VISA SUPPORT Immigration law firm JAPAN VISA SUPPORT
Procedures we handle      ■General immigration procedures
                                              ・Application for obtaining status of residence
                                              ・Application for renewal of residence status
                                              ・Application for change of residence status
                                              ・Application for issuance of Certificate of Eligibility
                                              ・Application for certificate of authorized employment
                                              ・Permission to engage in an activity other than those permitted by the status of residence previously granted
                                              ・Application for re-entry permit
                                              ・Permanent residence permit application
                                              ・Naturalization application
                                              ・Application for special permission to stay
                                              ・Application for special permission for landing
                                              ・Application for provisional release permit
Service area                        Accepts visa applications from all over Japan
Affiliated association        Kanagawa Administrative Lawyers association
Contact                                TEL 044-272-6080
                                              Business hours: Mon-Sat 10:30-11:30

Address                               #3F 2-11 Higashidacho Kawasaki-ku,Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa-ken 210-0005 Japan


Website                                Immigration law firm JAPAN VISA SUPPORT

Company Name


Procedures we handle

■General immigration procedures
・Application for obtaining status of residence
・Application for renewal of residence status
・Application for change of residence status
・Application for issuance of Certificate of Eligibility
・Application for certificate of authorized employment
・Permission to engage in an activity other than those permitted by the status of residence previously granted
・Application for re-entry permit
・Permanent residence permit application
・Naturalization application
・Application for special permission to stay
・Application for special permission for landing
・Application for provisional release permit

Service area

Accepts visa applications from all over Japan

Affiliated association

Kanagawa Administrative Lawyers association


TEL 044-272-6080
Business hours: Mon-Sat 10:30-11:30


#3F 2-11 Higashidacho Kawasaki-ku,Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa-ken 210-0005 Japan


Copyright® 行政書士法人 JAPAN VISA SUPPORT  All Rights Reseved.